Understand & Build Cyber
Resilience From the Inside Out
Kaspersky Research results show that 87% of companies in the UAE have been facing different types of cyber attacks for the last 2 years. However, around 25% of the incidents occurred due to human error by the team members.
As an executive leader of the company, you are always in the hot seat. Your company is like a patient whose life is on the line, and your lack of equipment can kill both the patient and your services forever.
Cyber threats are your need for more policies and proper strategies in place. It invites threats that aren’t static, so why is your system based on static strategies? As cyber threats evolve, your cyber security solutions need to move with them. If you don’t, you might have to deal with the following:
- Phishing attacks
- Ransomware
- Mobile Security Attacks
- Identity-based cloud security threats
- Remote working risks